Trump Brings Yup Hillars Emails Again to Deflect From His Bad Attention

Supporters of Donald J. Trump waiting for a campaign rally this month in Lynden, Wash. In an interview, Mr. Trump noted that women did not like seeing Hillary Clinton insulted or bullied by men and said he planned to attack her more strategically.

Credit... David Ryder for The New York Times

Donald J. Trump plans to throw Bill Clinton's infidelities in Hillary Clinton'south face on alive television during the presidential debates this fall, questioning whether she enabled his behavior and sought to discredit the women involved.

Mr. Trump volition try to concur her accountable for security lapses at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and for the death of Administrator J. Christopher Stevens there.

And he intends to portray Mrs. Clinton as fundamentally decadent, invoking everything from her cattle futures trades in the tardily 1970s to the federal investigation into her email practices as secretarial assistant of state.

Drawing on psychological warfare tactics that Mr. Trump used to defeat "Lyin' Ted" Cruz, "Fiddling Marco" Rubio and "Low-Energy" Jeb Bush-league in the Republican primaries, the Trump entrada is mapping out character attacks on the Clintons to try to increase their negative poll ratings and allurement them into making political mistakes, co-ordinate to interviews with Mr. Trump and his advisers.

Another goal is to win over skeptical Republicans, since zip unites the party quite like castigating the Clintons. Attacking them could also deflect attention from Mr. Trump's vulnerabilities, such as his treatment of women, some Trump allies say.

For Mrs. Clinton, the coming boxing is something of a paradox. She has decades of experience and qualifications, but it may not be merit that wins her the presidency — information technology may be how she handles the humiliations inflicted by Mr. Trump.

She would make history equally the get-go adult female to exist a major-political party nominee, all the same she would besides be viewed, in part, through the prism of her married man'southward flaws. Some political allies and friends, while disgusted with Mr. Trump, come across a certain catholic symmetry at work: After decades of fighting what she in one case called "the politics of personal devastation," Mrs. Clinton volition reach the White House but if she survives one more crucible of sordid and scandalous accusations.

"She is and then prepared to be president, but property her head loftier and staying dignified during the campaign is probably what will assist her the well-nigh," said Melanne Verveer, a longtime friend and former chief of staff to Mrs. Clinton. "Trump is withal another style she will be tested personally — one of her greatest tests yet."

Mrs. Clinton has oft flourished in the wake of boorish behavior: her married man'due south affair with Monica Lewinsky, Kenneth W. Starr's investigation of her hubby, the congressional impeachment proceedings. Women rallied to her side during her 2000 Senate race after her Republican opponent, Representative Rick A. Lazio, invaded her personal infinite during one fence, and they helped her win the 2008 New Hampshire primary presently later on Barack Obama dismissively said she was "likable enough."

Even so Mr. Trump said he was determined not to fall into those traps.

In a telephone interview, he noted that women did not like seeing Mrs. Clinton insulted or bullied by men. He said he wanted to exist more than strategic, by calling into question Mrs. Clinton's judgment in her reaction to Mr. Clinton's diplomacy — people shut to the couple accept said she was involved in efforts to discredit the women — and in her response to crises like Benghazi.

"Only getting nasty with Hillary won't work," Mr. Trump said. "You lot actually take to go people to look hard at her character, and to get women to ask themselves if Hillary is truly sincere and accurate. Because she has been really ugly in trying to destroy Bill'south mistresses, and she is pandering to women so obviously when she is only interested in getting ability."

He acknowledged that Republicans tried to ignominy her judgment in the marathon Benghazi hearing in the fall, to picayune avail. But he said that he would exist more pointed and memorable in linking her to the failings and deaths in Libya, and that the debate would have a vastly larger television audience than the hearing. However, advisers of Mrs. Clinton pointed to her confront-off with the Republican-led Benghazi commission every bit a sign of her unflappability.


Credit... Eric Thayer for The New York Times

"From Rick Lazio to the Business firm Benghazi commission, there'southward a long line of Republicans who fix out to personally assail Hillary Clinton only ended up inflicting the damage on themselves," a Clinton entrada spokesman, Brian Fallon, said in a argument. "We know Donald Trump is the most unconventional of them all, but no matter what he throws at her, she will go on running her own entrada and won't hesitate to call him out."

Several Clinton advisers said they were non underestimating Mr. Trump's ability to do some damage, acknowledging that Mrs. Clinton's unfavorability ratings were loftier — though not equally high equally Mr. Trump's — and that many Americans had concerns most her honesty and trustworthiness, co-ordinate to polls.

Simply these Clinton advisers expressed confidence that Mr. Trump would overreach and engender sympathy for Mrs. Clinton. 2 advisers said that the campaign had done polling to test the possible effectiveness of Mr. Trump's lines of attacks and, while not disclosing details about the data, that they were convinced that he would non seriously hurt her.

Mrs. Clinton, in turn, has begun attacking Mr. Trump over his refusal to release his taxation returns, suggesting he has something to hide, and over his temperament and leadership abilities by describing him as a "loose cannon." And political allies say that, in fourth dimension, voters will see through Mr. Trump'due south criticisms.

"He tin can't run on his forward-looking agenda considering he doesn't have 1, and he can't go subsequently her on substantive policy considering she knows so much more than he does," said Thomas R. Nides, Mrs. Clinton's former deputy secretarial assistant of state for management and resources.

Yet Mr. Trump has been steadily underestimated during the presidential campaign. His Republican rivals were certain that voters would tire of his slashing style and his harsh linguistic communication, and some political strategists were sure his lack of policy details would make him unprepared in the eyes of too many.

Fifty-fifty one of Mrs. Clinton'due south biggest assets to many Democrats — becoming the start female president and returning Mr. Clinton to a White House role — can exist exploited as vulnerabilities.

"Nosotros've never had a woman at the meridian of the ticket, and there will be enough of people who'll have a problem with her gender," said Christina Greer, a political scientist at Fordham University. And Mr. Trump "tin can say that Bill Clinton was accused of rape and destroyed a girl's life," she added, referring to allegations by Juanita Broaddrick of a sexual set on in the 1970s and to the Lewinsky affair.

With polls showing that Mr. Trump has unprecedented high negative ratings with voters and is in particular trouble with women, some Republican strategists say he has no choice simply to endeavour to drive upwardly Mrs. Clinton'due south unfavorability ratings. A recent CNN/ORC poll found that 57 percent of likely Trump supporters said that their votes were more than to express opposition to Mrs. Clinton than to support Mr. Trump.

"His best way to rally hostile Republican delegates before the convention is to show he'due south a great Clinton set on domestic dog," said Mike White potato, a Republican strategist who oversaw a "super PAC" supporting Mr. Bush in this year's Republican race.

Mark Penn, the primary strategist for Mrs. Clinton'southward 2008 presidential campaign, and the Harvard University Center for American Political Studies have conducted polling that indicates that attacks against Mrs. Clinton over her private email server, the deaths in Benghazi and other problems would weaken her in a matchup confronting Mr. Trump.

"The poll shows he could bring her vote downwards with sharp attacks, simply that does not bring his vote up," Mr. Penn wrote in an email.

At a campaign rally for Mrs. Clinton on Wednesday in New Jersey, some supporters said they were concerned virtually the damage Mr. Trump could do. They described him as a street fighter and worried that Mrs. Clinton would non be gutsy and nimble plenty to deliver a knockout punch.

"Trump is a real lowbrow brawler," said Michael Magazzu, an entrepreneur in the free energy sector from Vineland, N.J. "That's not her manner. She has to counteract him, and the all-time style may exist to go along her cool."


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