Scream if You Know the Answer


  • i Host
  • 2 Co-hosts
  • 3 Broadcast
  • iv Synopsis
    • 4.1 Series 2
    • four.2 Scream Extreme
  • 5 Participants
  • half dozen Fundamental moments
  • vii Trivia
  • 8 Run across also


Duncan James


Voiceover: Colin Murray


Panthera leo Television for Lookout man, ii May 2010 to 1 July 2012 (28 episodes in 3 series, 2012 as Scream Extreme)


Duncan James hosts as celebrities squad up with members of the public to form ii-man teams, before answering questions and completing challenges while on various roller coasters and thrill rides at Thorpe Park, for the chance to win up to £5,000.

There are various rounds, withal 4 rounds are played each week. In near rounds, the number of points per correct answer, or the number of points per second lasted is dictated by which number round it is. For example, a right answer in round two volition score 2 points, or lasting fourteen seconds in circular iii volition score 42 points. The rounds include -

Queasy as ABC – This involves each team having to ride either the Colossus or Nemesis: Inferno roller coasters, while taking turns to requite answers to a given category. These categories are usually quite unproblematic, like 'Food' or 'Body Parts' for instance, however the players must provide answers in sequence for each letter of the alphabet every bit they go around. Points are given for each correct respond provided by the correct player.

Easier Said…Than Spun - This round involves one actor from each team riding the Slammer or Samurai spinning rides, while via an earpiece, their partner on the ground describes to them a series of everyday items being shown to them on flashcards. Points are scored for each correct reply given, according to the rules explained above, however on occasion, five points are awarded per correct reply, regardless of the round number. In the second series, this circular as well took identify on the Zodiac spinning ride, with both team members taking part, riding in separate carriages.

Q and Aaaaargh! (originally Question and Aaaaargh!) - This round sees the host join the celebrity from each team on the SAW: The Ride or Nemesis: Inferno roller coasters (or the Samurai spinning ride from the second serial) As they get effectually, the host asks a series of quick-burn questions, with the beginning role player to correctly answer scoring for their team.

Yes or No and Down You Go – This circular sees the celebrity from each squad being hoisted to the acme of the Detonator tower ride with the non-celebrity from the other team. Once at the top of the tower, the celebrity must ask the non-glory a series of questions. Should the non-celebrity say 'Yes', 'No', or 'Mayhap', the round ends, and they are dropped from the top of the tower. Points are scored based on how many seconds they remain at the top of the tower.

Pair Shaped - This round also takes place aboard the Detonator tower ride. While each team ascends the tower, they can see a 4x4 board of panels on the basis, containing viii pairs of symbols. Once at the top of the tower, the board is turned over, with each of the 16 panels beingness numbered. They must then shout out 2 numbers of what they think are matching symbols. If they are wrong, or have longer than ten seconds to provide an reply, they are dropped from the meridian of the tower. Points are scored for each correctly matched pair. If they successfully match all 8 pairs, they are dropped anyway.

Stop the Drib - In one case once more, this circular takes place aboard the Detonator belfry ride. Once at the top of the tower, taking turns, the squad-mates must name items from a given category. Should they provide an wrong answer, or accept longer than five seconds to provide an answer, they are dropped from the top of the tower. Points are awarded for each correct answer.

Twisty Listy - In this round, each team rides the Nemesis: Inferno roller coaster. Before they start, they are given the beginning of a story, for example, 'I went to London and I saw…'. As the ride gets underway, each team member accept turns to add an item to the list, and so for example, the start team member might say, 'I went to London and I saw an apple'. The other contestant could and then say, 'I went to London and I saw an apple and a carrot', earlier the showtime squad member would then repeat the sentence, adding a third detail to the list. Points are awarded at the end of the round, based on how many items the team successfully added to their list. It should be noted the adjudicators are fairly liberal with what answers are accounted right in this round.

Sum Like It Non - This round involves the glory contingent of each team riding the Rush giant swing ride. While on the ride, the two non-celebrity team-mates on the basis beneath hold up a series of large signs with adequately simple mathematical sums on them. The commencement glory contestant to shout out the right reply scores for their team.

Retch-A-Sketch - In this circular, the two members of each team sit opposite each other on the swinging, spinning Vortex ride. In one case the ride is underway, the celebrity contestant is told an everyday item either via an earpiece or past the host who sometimes joins them on the ride. The glory must depict the everyday object on a modest white-board, and then show it to their squad member on the other side of the circle of seats. Each item the not-celebrity squad fellow member correctly guesses scores for their team.

Words of Whizzdom - This round also takes place on the swinging, spinning Vortex ride. I member from each team sits either side of the host, while on the contrary side of the circumvolve of seats, eight people agree up a menu with a letter on information technology. Once the ride is underway, taking turns, and with the host taking care of the timing, the ii team members each take iii periods of 15 seconds to proper noun as many words equally they can that tin exist made up from the eight messages on the cards. The minimum word length allowed is three letters, which scores three points, with 4 points for a four letter give-and-take (fabricated upward from the cards, not from their mouths) and and so on. There is also one eight letter word, worth 8 points, which can exist made upwards from the letters. Whatever answers already given practise not score.

Duncan's Donuts - This round sees the celebrity contestant ride either the Samurai or Slammer spinning rides, as their non-celebrity team-mate asks them general noesis questions from the footing below. The celebrity scores for their team for each correct answer they give, nonetheless, should they respond incorrectly, the non-celebrity must put a doughnut in their mouth. They tin go along to enquire their team-mate questions, but as their oral fissure fills with doughnuts it evidently becomes more than difficult for the glory on the ride to empathise what they are saying, and thus information technology becomes more difficult to score.

Stars in Their Cries - This round takes identify on the Colossus or Nemesis: Inferno roller coasters, and sees one team member name a famous person. The other team member must and so take the first letter of that famous person's surname, and and then name a famous person whose proper noun starts with that letter. The team members deport on providing answers dorsum and forth until the stop of the ride, with points awarded for every correct respond, and double points for every famous person mentioned whose first name and surname brainstorm with the same letter.

To Spell and Back - This round sees the celebrity squad fellow member ride the Slammer spinning ride, while their non-celebrity team mate stands on the ground below, with a blackboard with 30 words on information technology in front of them. The words are divided into three groups of 10 based on how hard they are to spell. Once the ride is underway, the non-glory squad member must shout out a word from the blackboard, which the celebrity on the ride must so spell correctly. One point is given for each word from the piece of cake list which is spelled correctly, iii points for a word from the medium list, and v points for a give-and-take from the hard list. It is entirely up to the non-celebrity squad member to decide which words from the blackboard they shout to their team mate on the ride, leaving it upward to them to decide which strategy is best - pick the easier words but score depression, or choice harder words for more points, simply run the risk of time-wasting incorrect spellings.

After the four rounds take taken place, the team that has the most points moves on to the final round, the Cash Dash. This circular takes place on the Stealth roller coaster, and sees each player in the team taking a split ride on the attraction. As they travel the class (which only lasts around 15-20 seconds or so), they must name every bit many items from a given category every bit they can. Later their partner has washed the same, for every respond both players said, the non-glory contestant wins £500 upwardly to a maximum of £5000.

Series 2

After recording respectable ratings for its commencement serial, the programme returned the following twelvemonth. The new series followed much the same blueprint as the first, however it also introduced the following new games -

Passenger's Block - Taking place on the Colossus roller coaster, before the ride begins one squad is shown a list of items from a given category. Once the ride is underway, the team members must take turns to name items from the list. Following this, the opposing team takes their turn, naming items from the same list. Points are awarded for every correct answer.

Barfta Spinning Performance - In this circular, the two members of each team sit opposite each other on the swinging, spinning Vortex ride. Once the ride is underway, the celebrity contestant is told the name of a movie via an earpiece by the host on the ground. They must so convey the name of the moving-picture show to their not-celebrity team mate via Requite Us a Clue-manner mimes and gestures. Points are awarded for every film title correctly guessed.

Pop-Hilarity Competition - Taking place on the Detonator belfry ride, this game sees the celebrity team mate hoisted to the top of the tower, whilst downwards on the ground, their non-celebrity team mate is bullheaded-folded, and must pedal a tricycle under a frame from which 10 water-filled balloons are suspended. In the minute before the ride releases the celebrity to drop back down to earth, the celebrity must guide their team mate via an earpiece as to which direction they should cycle in social club to popular the balloons by ways of a spiky pole attached to their helmet. Each airship popped is worth 5 points, with a bonus of ten points bachelor for popping all x.

Nobody Does It Wetter - This round takes 1 of two forms. In the first form, each non-celebrity team mate takes turns to pick five numbers from a board of twenty. Behind ten of the numbers is a small-scale closet containing one or two sponges. The cupboards behind the other ten numbers are empty. Any sponges they discover behind their chosen v numbers are then stuck strategically on their celebrity team mates, who are wearing Velcro suits. In the second class, both teams are asked five questions, the reply to which is always the proper name of a famous person. The celebrity team mate from each team is responsible for writing downwardly the beginning name of the famous person, while the non-celebrity team mate is responsible for writing down the famous person'due south surname. They must do this without conferring. For each function of the famous person'southward name each team correctly write downwardly, the team is awarded one sponge, meaning a maximum of ten sponges are available to both teams. Like in the outset form of the round, the sponges are and then stuck onto the glory squad mate's Velcro suits. At this signal, in both forms of the game, the two celebrities, forth with the host, board the Tidal Moving ridge giant splash gunkhole ride. When the ride splashes into the reservoir at the bottom of the drop, with their sponges, the celebrities must attempt to soak up every bit much h2o during the splash as possible. After disembarking, the sponges are put through a mangle, with the water that is released being collected in particularly-marked measuring tubes. Points are awarded for each unit of measurement of h2o collected.

Together In Electric Screams - This round takes place on the Quantum rotating pendulum ride, and sees one member of each squad lath the ride with a cup of water in each hand, and another on top of their helmet. During the ride, this person must endeavour to keep as much water in the cups equally possible. Meanwhile, their squad mate on the ground must move a hoop of wire back and forth along a slice of copper pipe. Each successful laissez passer earns five points, still, touching the copper pipe with the wire hoop costs them a indicate, and sends an electrical stupor to their team mate on the ride, making it even harder for them to keep the water in the cups. Whatsoever water that remains in the cups at the cease of the round is transferred to especially-marked measuring tubes, with points awarded for each unit of water collected. Which team member boards the ride, and which team member takes on the wire varies by episode.

Duncan James Yous've Changed - Taking place on the Rush giant swing ride, this circular takes one of two forms. In the first grade, the celebrity team mate from each team boards the ride, from where, at the top of the swing, on the ground they can meet a large movie of the host dressed up in some comical mode - for instance like a cowboy. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ride, on the ground, their non-glory team mate, has a similar picture. However there are seven divergence betwixt the two pictures. By means of comparison the images verbally via an earpiece (as neither squad fellow member can see both pictures), the team mates must figure out what the differences are, with the non-celebrity on the footing marking them with a giant pencil. In the second grade of the round, the not-celebrity squad mate boards the ride, from which at different points of the swing, they tin can see both pictures. With their celebrity team mate continuing on the basis adjacent to one of the pictures, they must communicate via an earpiece what the differences are, with their glory squad mate marking them with a giant pencil. In both forms of the round, merely differences which are circled due to existence correctly identified verbally, as opposed to being circled due to miscommunication, or a random judge or stroke of luck are awarded points.

Clearly, this isn't 1 of those game shows that has spent many hours in the development stage. Putting people on roller coasters, and asking them questions is pretty simplistic. Even so, it works meliorate than you'd expect, and is actually quite fun. Duncan James is a competent and energetic host, while the voiceover from Colin Murray is good, being both informative, but likewise slightly-mocking, in a funny, but never vicious fashion.

Credit deservedly goes to the squad behind the show for managing to invent so many different games, and it was having a pool of dissimilar rounds that kept each episode in the first series fresh. It is disappointing therefore, that with the exception of the Q and Aaaaargh! and Retch-a Sketch rounds, none of the other starting time series games have made a render for the 2nd series, significant the 2 games noted, together with the small number of new games in series two are on a frequent rotation, resulting in each episode in the second serial feeling rather samey. This feeling is compounded due to the fact the games are often played at the same point in the running lodge in different episodes. On a more positive note, the calibre of the celebrities, while non exactly A-listing, is but a peg above what you'd unremarkably notice on a celebrity reality show (in other words, you've actually heard of most of them). On the whole, it represents a good half-hour of solid family unit fun.

Scream Extreme

For its third series, the programme underwent several changes as a result of Watch partnering with the Travel Aqueduct in the United States which had aired the start 2 serial across the pond. The first modify saw the programme's title altered to go Scream Extreme. The next modify saw the activeness switch to the Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park in California. Like the first ii series, the teams of ii consisted of i famous person and one member of the public. Even so for this series, another change saw one squad made up of British contestants, while the other team was made up of American participants. Despite these changes, the core concept of the program - completing tasks on roller coasters and their ilk - remained, every bit did Duncan James and Colin Murray on hosting and voiceover duties respectively.



  • Kyran Brackan (ex-rugby player) and Ben Shephard (TV presenter)
  • Jeff Brazier (TV presenter) and Anthea Turner (TV presenter)
  • Amir Khan (boxer) and Katie Price (ex-glamour model)
  • Barry McGuigan (ex-boxer) and Caroline Flack (Idiot box presenter)
  • DJ Spoony (erm, DJ) and Suzanne Shaw (extra)
  • Iwan Thomas (ex-athlete) and Angellica Bell (TV presenter)
  • Phil Tufnell (ex-cricketer) and Cleo Rocos (actress)
  • Tim Vine (comedian) and Gina Yashere (comedienne)
  • Rav Wilding (TV presenter) and Jennie Bond (ex-BBC Royal contributor)
  • Matt Willis (ex-Busted vocalist) and Natalie Emmanuelle (ex-Hollyoaks actress)


  • John Barrowman (TV presenter) and John Thompson (thespian)
  • Lee Ryan (Blueish vocaliser) and Simon Webbe (Blue singer)
  • Louie Spence (dancer and TV personality) and Tamzin Outhwaite (ex-EastEnders actress)
  • Jack Osbourne (TV personality) and Joanna Page (Gavin & Stacey actress)
  • Denise Van Outen (Goggle box presenter and actress) and Jason Gardiner (Dancing on Water ice approximate)
  • Neil Morrissey (role player) and Edwina Currie (ex-Tory MP)
  • Joe Swash (ex-EastEnders role player) and Vanilla Ice (rapper)
  • Dom Joly (comedian) and Kate Silverton (BBC newsreader)
  • Janice Dickinson (model and extra) and Joe Calzaghe (boxer)
  • Michelle Collins (ex-EastEnders actress) and Gavin Henson (rugby player)

Key moments

The frequent swearing from the contestants - and the host - while on the rides.

The look of abject fear on the faces of the celebrities as the rides get underway.

The time during the Star in Their Cries round, when 1 not-celebrity, paired with actress and singer Suzanne Shaw, was required to proper name a famous person whose name starts with the letter D, and answered Darren Day - Suzanne Shaw's ex.

The fourth dimension rapper Vanilla Water ice chose non to ride the 205ft tall, vertically-dropping, 0-80mph in 1.ix seconds Stealth roller coaster, apparently because of the weather. Hmm... Boyfriend participant, role player Joe Swash, took his identify on the ride for the Cash Nuance round in this episode.


Any contestant who throws up is given the Chunder Wonder award.

In the 3rd episode, a scoring error in one circular initially saw the wrong squad declared the winner. However in the spirit of fairness, both teams were given the run a risk to win money in the Cash Dash round.

The second episode of the second series saw a 75% successful reunion of boyband Bluish as host Duncan James oversaw the competition between bandmates Lee Ryan and Simon Webbe.

On one occasion in the 2nd series, the Greenbacks Dash round was played on the SAW: The Ride roller coaster, due to a ride malfunction on the Stealth roller coaster.

Scream Extreme was Watch's kickoff in-house game show to exist broadcast in high definition.

A spider web-based Flash game was produced to promote the bear witness, and remained available for some years afterwards. Nigh fifteen of the all-fourth dimension tiptop twenty scores were achieved quite early on by a UKGS staffer with nothing better to exercise 1 Sat morning. Then if you e'er played it and wondered who was filling upward the high-score table with the names of UN Secretaries General... yes. Pitiful.

Run across also

Weaver'southward Week reviews: 2010 and 2012



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